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Elphick Bretagne contacts

How to contact us.

Postal address

Elphick Bretagne Ltd
1 Botlan
22340 Paule


Within France
Mobile   06 37 20 52 83
Land line   02 96 29 65 90
From outside France
Mobile   +33 6 37 20 52 83
Land line   +33 2 96 29 65 90
Local call rate from UK only   08442 329592


Enquiries   enquiries@lfix.co.uk
Oliver Elphick  olly@lfix.co.uk

Our consultants

Our principal consultant is Oliver Elphick.picture of Oliver Elphick

Oliver is a graduate in PPE from the University of Oxford. He is a Chartered Accountant by training, but has been working with computers since 1980. For 13 years, until 1995, he was co-director of Logical Choice Ltd, distributing the UniVerse database in Britain. After that he ran LFIX Limited, doing consultancy work with Linux and PostgreSQL, as well as with UniVerse. In 2007, he moved to France. Elphick Bretagne Ltd<\b> was set up in 2010 to handle business outside France.

From 1997 to 2005, Oliver was the maintainer of the PostgreSQL software package for the Debian distribution of Linux and for the SmartEiffel compiler package until 2007.

GnuPG public key for Oliver Elphick:

  Id: 1024D/3E1D0C1C
  Fingerprint: 92C8 39E7 280E 3631 3F0E   1EC0 5664 7A2F A543 10EA